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Te Puka Estate
Te Puka Estate
Te Puka Estate
Pool view ground floor
Apartment 4 - Living Area
Bird of paradise flower
Te Puka Sign
Deck area outside apartment 4
Bedroom Apartment 4
Arrival fruit bowl
Bathroom - Apartment 4
Looking up to Te  Puka
Saltwater Pool at Te Puka
Living space
Parking area
Ground Floor looking at pool
Looking up to Te Puka Estate
Bedroom of apartment 3
Through view to kitchen
Living area
View from apartment 3
View from apartment 3
Living area of apartment 3
Two sides of deck
Bedroom of apartment 3
Long shot of living area
Kitchen side board
Dining table outside apartment 3
Shared laundry area
Apartment 3 bathroom
Lounge to bedroom
Second bedroom
Main Bedroom
Living area
Kitchen & Pantry area
Wide shot of apartment
Entrance into apartment
Dining room
Pool Long Shot Te Puka
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